A stack of rocks with words written on them.


*** Reclaim Your Peace***

Are you ready to shift out of survival mode and restore a sense of calm and balance in your life?

Decoupling is a shamanic energy medicine technique designed to reset the fight-flight-or-freeze response that often becomes stuck after trauma. Many individuals live in a heightened state of stress, making decisions rooted in survival instincts rather than clarity and calmness. This session helps shift your nervous system out of overdrive, allowing you to move from a constant state of fear and reactivity into one of safety and balance.

***NOTE: It may take a series of 3 or more decoupling sessions to fully reset the flight-flight-or-freeze responses, depending on the severity and depth of the stress or trauma experienced. 

Fee: 30 Minutes, $75.00

***Add on to any service, $25.00***